Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner in McKinney, TX (north Dallas)

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Are you experiencing…
  • Unexplainable weight gain, despite eating well and exercising
  • Fatigue despite having 8 hours of sleep
  • G.I. problems regardless of a healthy diet
  • Anxiety and depression

When it comes to hormonal imbalances, your Neuroendocrine System, Gastrointestinal System and/or your Detoxification System can “malfunction” and can thus lead to several health issues despite your best efforts.

I want you to know,that it’s not your fault.
We just have to identify the source and address it accordingly.

With our advanced testing procedures and precise treatment protocol, we are quickly becoming the recognized authority in hormonal issues. So, if you’ve tried several different options, and have been left frustrated with the results, or if you are someone who just wants to get the correct diagnosis and nip the problem in the bud with proper treatment, give our office a call at 214-665-4100 or click calendar to scedule a time to talk with one of our team members to schedule your consultation today! It’s time to live again!




A photo of Dr. Matiscik DC who provides treatment for hormonal imbalances in women

Dr. Jaye Krubally

Conditions That Can Arise From Hormonal Imbalances

A pregnant woman sitting at a computer desk at home and looking stressed out

Female Hormones

Are you undergoing stress, anxiety, mood swings, and feel that you are behaving a bit differently?

A woman with gastrointestinal problems pressing against her stomach to ease the pain

Gastrointestinal Problems

It’s all in your gut! How to enhance mood, immunity, and more through digestion.

A healthy woman measuring her waistline with measuring tape

Guide to Better Digestive Health

Having proper digestive function creates a solid foundation for good health. Improper digestion and nutrient absorption can destabilize all other health factors.

A woman with an anxious and upset look on her face

Premenopause, Perimenopause, & Menopause

Menopause symptoms may include hot flashes and alterations of the menstrual cycle. We can help manage these and other issues during the transition process.

An exhausted woman leaning back on a chair with her eyes closed and her hand on her forehead


Fatigue is pervasive and profound. It affects not just physical health but also mental health.

A man and a woman having a discussion on a bed and looking disappointed

Female Infertility

Learn how alternate care provided by Forum Functional Health can help you cure infertility.

Hormone Imbalances and Your Health

Hormonal imbalances can bring about a series of changes that can lead to
fatigue, infertility, depression, weight gain, and a lack of motivation.

You should embrace Life!

Many health problems can be a direct cause of hormonal imbalances. Once we determine the appropriate approach to restore that balance, you will feel like a light is switched on inside. You will have more energy to embrace life to the fullest.

It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way.

Dr. Jaye Krubally has dedicated her life to helping men and women around the world achieve optimal health and wellness through precise hormonal balancing predicated on her advanced lab testing and customized therapeutic treatment protocol.

This Is Your Time!

Discover What We Can Do For You.

Even to this day, it never ceases to amaze me how lives are dramatically improved once the correct hormonal balance is achieved. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s what drives my life!
Dr. Krubally


Laura A.

Irvine, CA

When I first came to Forum Functional Health for my initial visit, I honestly had no quality of life. I wasn’t sleeping, hot flashes were out of control, and I just felt off. I reached out to many doctors of different specialties to seek relief, but to no avail. I was miserable. It was starting to affect my family life, and my marriage. For approximately ten years, I just thought this was what happens to women in their 40’s.

After they ran all of the tests, and analyzed the results, I began the protocol to get my life back….the life that used to be my normal.

It was a subtle process but as the weeks passed, I began noticing that I was sleeping through the night, and it was good quality sleep. Then came NO hot flashes. All of a sudden, I noticed one week without them then there was a month without them. I NO longer have any hot flashes!! As for feeling “off”, I began remembering things that I used to forget. I felt alert throughout the day instead of crashing around 3pm daily. The best part of the program is that I toned up losing that stagnant belly that I just thought was part of turning 40.

I can’t say enough great things about Forum Functional Health. The whole team is so outgoing, and always willing to take the time with me, answering all my questions throughout my process. I will most definitely recommend Forum Functional Health to all my friends & family.

Mark T.

Chicago, IL

My stomach had been ‘bothering’ me on-and-off for at least a year and my primary physician had diagnosed it as ‘stress related’, a byproduct of life (job, children, etc.). A friend casually referenced Forum Functional Health, so in time, I reached out to discuss my issues. The doctor and team were very knowledgeable with the functioning of the gut and how my symptoms were a direct result of my gut health. They administered a few tests, and with the results began a program to improve my gut health. After a number weeks on my individually tailored program, my stomach issues improved, and with continued attention during the subsequent couple months during which vitamins were recommended, and they explained how to incorporate the right foods in order to maintain my gut health, I no longer have ‘stress related’ stomach issues (despite the byproducts of my life remaining a constant).

Thank you

Maura L.

Cleveland, OH

I’ve dealt with IBS, food sensitivities, acid reflux, joint pain, and mouth sores due to chronic stress over the last ten years of my life. Forum Functional Health is one of the first and only practitioners to show genuine interest in my health problems and help me find a way out of chronic infections, brain fog, and fatigue. They took the time to discuss my health issues, and listened to my concerns, taking into account existing test results and diagnoses, then ordered additional tests (urine, saliva, and stool) that helped us gain insight into other imbalances in my body such as adrenal fatigue and candida overgrowth.

An outlined course of treatment was recommended that was easy for me to stick to since I had already made dietary and lifestyle changes in an effort to heal my body. My treatment protocol has left me feeling more energized, and more like my old self. I finally have the stamina and energy to exercise regularly, which is a big accomplishment because I haven’t been able to stick with exercise for several years due to fatigue and chronic infections. I highly recommend Forum Functional Health. They are extremely patient, and took the time to follow up with me regularly. I finally feel like my health is a priority and I’m no longer slipping through the cracks, and that we got to the root of my health problems.

Jeff J.

I had been suffering with ulcerative colitis for over 10 years. I had severe health problems, and it was impossible to live a normal life, maintaining a work schedule and social life with my frequent gastrointestinal symptoms.

After extensive use of conventional medicines with many side-effects and no real improvement I was desperate to try out another treatment.

Forum Functional Health did an in depth consultation listening to me, taking time that other practitioners did not. Several tests were ordered, and I began a protocol of supplements and dietary changes. I noticed relief in only a few months which continued to improve with time. Since I started with Forum Functional Health, nearly 8 months ago, I am symptom free! There is no blood issue any more, and my bowel movements are back to normal frequency. Recent blood work at my General Practitioner’s office also confirmed there is no inflammation left. It was so good to hear the words “everything looks normal”.

Thanks to Forum Functional Health, I have regained control and can live a normal life again. I hope many more will find this wonderful help and become as happy as I am.

Sarah P.

My doctors could not find anything wrong with me, even though I felt tired and irritable all the time. They tried to put me on antidepressants because I always complained I did not feel like myself.Then I went to Forum Functional Health. They tested my hormones, as well as other systems of my body that can cause hormonal problems. My estrogen was high and my progesterone was low. I also had a gastrointestinal infection and liver detoxification issues. They started me off handling the GI infection and then the liver detoxification problems. Within weeks, I started noticing less brain fog and fatigue.

Oh yes….. my stubborn belly fat also started to melt away

I am sleeping great and my mood swings and irritability are also gone. I am not yet done with the program, but I look forward to the final product! My future looks so different. I tell everyone I know to go to Forum Functional Health.

Tell everyone I know to see Dr. Matiscik

Jason Kouri

Medical Director

Martin is a great manager and colleague whom I have worked with in the field of integrative medicine. He is always staying on the cutting edge of technology and best protocols when running his functional medicine practice. As a physician, I am relying more and more upon functional medicine as a specialty and I consult often with Dr. Martin for advice on my own family’s medical care. Thank you Dr Martin for being you and for caring for us!

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